
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Christmas cards; digger dog/sleeper dog

If you do any kind of crafts, you know that right after Halloween (coming up soon!) comes Thanksgiving, and Christmas and New Years, so you don't get any breaks if you do projects!  So I am always glad to get a start on Christmas cards!!  Here are some cards I made
in Diana Gibbs' class recently - the more I see the Greeting Card kids stamp set, the more I like it - they have them in Halloween stamps too....gonna have to get them, they are so darn cute!  Remind me of the Little Rascals and all that stuff lol.  I didn't color my little girl in because when I figure out who I'm going to send it to, I will watercolor her in colors for that person....or if they like coloring, just send it on to them and they can do it ha!  Here are 3 more Christmas cards I made:

With the middle card and blue card we did reverse embossing - we brayed ink on the embossing folder and then ran the card through - it is so elegant and easy to do...I love it.  I would have thought it would have been all messy, but it isn't!!  Now I will start counting the Christmas cards I have made, and count how many people on my card list, and see how many more I have to make....and start making a Christmas present list - so I know what to make and get those done that have to be mailed.

Our furbaby has discovered how much fun it is to dig in what little dirt there is on the outside of the courtyard - still thinks she can dig her way to the other side of the building....sometimes she finds grubs and (yuck) eats them (yuck) -  here she is busy digging again with her nose in the dirt...
Look at that dirty nose and paws!
But isn't she irrestible with that innocent looking face?!  Gee all that digging is hard work, so she finds a nice soft spot to take a nap in - I got a picture of her fast asleep!!  Is she snoring?
Course I had to wipe the dirt off before she was allowed back in the house!

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